Global and National Security: Rapidly Evolving Challenges

In 2016, we continue the democratic process of electing a President, House of Representatives and 1/3 of the US Senate.  The new leaders will face rapidly evolving challenges of global security and stability.  The 2016 UNM Global and National Security Symposium will feature national experts analyzing some of these challenges and how the US might deal with them.


Today's UNM students will be living with these emerging challenges over the coming years as they become our nation's leaders.  Analysis, strategies, and policies for dealing with these issues will be discussed during the symposium by experts and knowledgeable panels. (see agenda here)

  • Projecting US interests in key regions of the world.  With a new set of US leaders there is an opportunity to examine current and past policies and perhaps suggest new directions - specifically in the Middle East and Asia.
  • Evolving global political struggles.   Russia is playing an increasing active role in re-exerting its influence as a major global power.  The world moreover is no longer politically bipolar and the US, as the most powerful nation in a world, has to effectively deal with several active political competitors. 
  • Mitigating climate change, world health crises and environmental degradation. Key to a stable world and secure communities of people is their health, adequate food, necessary water, and a sustainable environment.

Our 2016 Symposium will consist of a plenary session of talks and panels (April 5) and several associated distributed sessions (April 4 and 6) of talks and panels featuring specific topics.  The distributed sessions will be in conjunction with other UNM organizations and aimed at attracting a diverse set of students and members of the larger UNM community.